
发表: 星期二,2022年10月11日 |标签: JCC管理软件, JCC会员软件, JCC资源, JCC软件

Questions You Should Ask 关于 JCC 会员 Management Software

If you manage a Jewish Community Center, you know how important it is to have an effective membership management system. 您选择的软件可以显著影响您的中心运行的好坏和您的成员的满意度. 市场上有这么多的选择,很难知道哪一个适合你. 帮助你缩小选择范围, 在购买任何会员管理软件之前,这里有12个关键问题要问.




1. 这个软件用起来容易吗? 

When looking for a new membership management software for your JCC, it is essential to find one that is highly intuitive and user-friendly. 您希望您的团队对使用该软件感到兴奋,并且能够快速轻松地解决问题. 确保了解公司将在整个实施过程中提供什么样的培训,以及他们将如何培训新员工. It is also important to ensure self-serve training options, 比如教程视频, 在线培训模块, 学习管理软件.

2. 软件是否可定制? 

It can be a challenge to manage your JCC memberships effectively. 这就是为什么拥有灵活的会员管理软件是至关重要的,它能够适应您的特定中心的需求. The right software will make tracking membership data, 理财, handling registration and 支付处理, 创建报告, 推广活动也很容易. In addition, the software should be user-friendly and easy to navigate. With the right membership management software, you can be confident that your center is running smoothly and efficiently.  

3. 这个软件要多少钱? 

当然,在为您的企业选择任何软件时,成本总是一个因素. 在做出最终决定之前,请务必从软件提供商处获得报价. 

4. Does the software integrate 与 other systems? 

如果您的中心使用其他软件程序,它们必须能够很好地配合使用. For example, if your community center 使用 门禁控制系统, 您将希望确保它是兼容的,并与您的会员管理软件集成. 了解如何 斯坦福JCC 使用 OpenPath立博官网手机版app下载软件 允许他们的员工签到成员,跟踪流量模式,并发送自定义报告.

5. Does the software come 与 a native website and mobile app? 

Since your website is a key marketing tool for your membership-based organization, 网站和移动应用软件与会员软件集成是至关重要的. If you're wondering why this is the case, 使用第三方软件产品进行网站开发和集成可能会导致严重的问题. 

  1. Data integration becomes an issue when either software program is upgraded, resulting in data not being properly shared or not even shared at all. 
  2. If the website and membership software companies are separate entities, getting the two programs to work together can be difficult. 
  3. Integration of the website software often requires customization, which can be expensive and time-consuming. 
  4. Third-party websites and mobile app software can produce data silos, fragmenting data between the website and membership databases. 


6. What features does the software offer? 

这是一个重要的问题,因为您希望确保所选择的会员管理软件具有有效运行JCC所需的所有功能. Some features to look for include: online registration, 会员门户网站, 事件管理, 支付处理, 自动续期. 

7. What kind of training and support does the company offer? 

如果你遇到问题,你会想知道你可以联系谁寻求帮助. 客户服务对任何软件来说都是至关重要的,尤其是会员管理软件. 你要确保有人可以帮助你排除任何可能出现的问题. 在做出最终决定之前,一定要弄清楚有哪些客户服务是可用的.

8. 软件是否定期更新? 

JCCs need meaningful ways to improve membership retention and grow their base. One way to do this is to ensure that the JCC has up-to-date software. Technology changes rapidly, and membership management software is no exception. 定期更新确保JCC有最新的特性和功能提供给其成员. In addition, updates can help to fix bugs and improve security. 出于这些原因, 选择定期更新的会员管理软件是很重要的. 通过这样做,JCC可以为其工作人员和成员提供最好的经验.

9. How secure is the data stored in the software? 

安全应该是最优先考虑的,敏感的成员信息应该存储在系统中. 您要确保您选择的健身房会员软件使用了几种安全措施来保护数据, including encryption and password protection. 还应该有有助于确保只有授权人员才能访问系统的管理控制.

10. 是可扩展的吗?? 

随着JCC的增长,您将需要一个可以随您的增长而扩展的会员管理系统. 否则,您将不得不在路上切换系统,这可能既耗时又昂贵.

11. What are other customers saying about the software? 

在你做决定之前, 最好查看一下该公司的投资组合和社会证明,看看其他客户的经历. 阅读评论可以让您更好地了解不同软件选项的优缺点,并帮助您做出明智的决定.

12. 有退款保证吗? 

You wouldn't purchase a car 与out taking it for a test drive, 你不应该觉得你把自己的未来押在了一个你只在销售人员的演示中看过几次的产品上.

当与潜在的新会员软件和网站/移动应用程序提供商交谈时, confirm that they have a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. Your new software provider should be willing to mitigate your risk and, 而不是, take on the risk by offering a money-back guarantee. 这种方式, if the software neither meets nor exceeds your expectations, 你可以免费退货. 在签署任何合同之前,审查公司的退款政策应该是你尽职调查的一部分.

确保您熟悉退款政策条款,并了解必要时退回软件的过程. 就像对待任何合同一样,仔细阅读细则,这样就不会出现意外. 并且自信地跳跃,知道如果需要,你可以归还软件——没有任何问题.

By taking the time to answer these 12 questions, 你可以选择合适的会员管理系统来帮助你的犹太社区中心顺利高效地运作.

Ready to upgrade your JCC’s website and membership management software?

We understand the unique challenges that JCCs face. We also know that you have a lot to offer your community. 这就是为什么我们开发了一个软件解决方案来帮助您统一您的团队,更好地为您的成员和员工服务. 

立博官网手机版app下载软件™是一个完整的软件解决方案,它包含了更有效地运行JCC所需的一切. 我们易于使用的界面, you can keep track of your member database, utilize a dynamic and custom-built website, 管理项目和活动, 支付流程, 定期发送邮件宣传活动, 还有更多. 我们还提供广泛的定制选项,以便您可以定制软件以满足您的特定需求. And because we're committed to providing the best possible service, our team is always available to answer any questions you may have. 所以如果你正在寻找一个软件解决方案来帮助你更好地服务你的社区, we invite you to try 立博官网手机版app下载软件.


我们喜欢与非营利组织合作. See what 立博客户端app下载 could do for you!

You also might enjoy reading these articles: 

How to Create JCC and YMCA 会员 Forms That Convert

Leverage Your JCC 网站 to Promote Summer Camps



People working out 与 arobic resistance bands

Event Calendars, Registration, Tickets, and Check-ins.

Your JCC can showcase and promote upcoming events, 创建门票, 管理与会者, and take payments 与 your website.


Gain new members, keep current members happy

成员关系图说明 & 图表

Browse the tools and features of our 会员 software. Grow your organization 与 Freedom.

Your organization can utilize your website to promote, 运动, and interact 与 all current and potential members.


